The Process
一个指导委员会,由特派团副主席担任主席 & 来自整个大学的教职员工代表将负责指导洛约拉通过考试.
- School commits to Examen during a given year. (LoyNO: 2019-2020)
- 国家协调委员会向学校发送描述这一过程的文件, offers conference call/meeting to answer questions. (LoyNO: August/ September 2019)
- 学校和省高等教育助理选择同行访问.(LoyNO:August/ September 2019)
- 学校提交一页的考试时间表/本地方法.(LoyNO:August /September 2019)
- School gathers opinions, 确定最近耶稣会传教的优先事项并决定哪一个, if any, to change, and writes a summative Self-Study report.* [see below](LoyNO: August - October 2019)
- The Self-Study is sent to the Peer Visit Committee (LoyNO: one month before Peer Visit)
- Peer Committee visits. (LoyNO:TBD)
- After the visit, 同侪委员会将报告草稿寄回给学校改正事实错误的机会, express objections, and amend priorities in light of draft Peer Report. (LoyNO: TBD)
- 省里将他的建议连同最后的同行访问报告寄给了弗. General. Jesuit Conference President sends his advice to Fr. General.(LoyNO:TBD)
- Fr. General sends a letter to Provincial, who communicates content to school, other local constituencies including bishop, AJCU President, and National Coordinating Committee.(LoyNO:TBD)
- In light of Fr. 将军的回应是,学校努力执行其优先任务.(LoyNO:TBD)
The Self-Study
这个过程的核心是产生一份自学报告. Using the document , 洛约拉被要求确定特派团效率方面的长处和短处, to examine and evaluate our mission goals, 并在未来5-10年内确定两到三个具体的任务重点.
在发展自学和制定这些任务的优先事项, 督导委员会会征询个别学院、办事处及不同界别的意见, including faculty, staff, students, trustees, the Loyola Jesuit community and the Archbishop.
Throughout the fall of 2019, three points inspired by the individual Ignatian Examen, a 500-year old prayer practice originated by St. Ignatius of Loyola, will guide each conversation:
Looking back
- Where have we been/How have we done in the area of Mission?
- What has it meant for Loyola?
- 根据过去的经验,我/我们对这次任务优先级考试的态度和看法是什么?
Looking in
- 就我们作为耶稣会,天主教大学的使命而言,我们现在做得怎么样?
- Where are our values most evident?
- What is lacking?
- What does the mission mean to me/us?
Looking ahead
- How can we improve in living the mission?
- 在接下来的几年里,我/我们应该优先考虑哪2-5件事?
The Peer Review
由来自AJCU其他学院和大学的同行教职员工组成的访问团队将访问新奥尔良,采访易胜博成员,并就通过自学收集的见解和大学确定的任务优先事项进行对话. 访问小组负责编写一份报告,评估洛约拉大学的优先事项, offers suggestions for new or additional priorities, 并肯定了洛约拉大学对耶稣会身份和耶稣会领导的承诺.
Preparing and Listening
Spring '19:
执行指导委员会设计流程,让利益相关者参与强项领域的投入 & opportunities for enhancing Loyola's mission.
Summer '19:
执行指导委员会制定沟通计划、会议议程、活动材料 & schedule of stakeholder engagements.
Fall '19:
Fall '19:
Classes, 团队和部门参与旨在鼓励回顾的反思活动, looking in and looking ahead to strengthen Loyola's mission.
Fall '19:
and Celebrating
Spring '20:
Spring '20:
最后报告提交给耶稣会省和神父索萨将军 & implementation of mission enhancements begin.
Steering Committee
Carol Ann MacGregor
Vice Provost
Justin Daffron, S.J.
Vice President for Mission & Identity
Members of the Steering Committee
- Jeffrey Albert,音乐与媒体学院音乐产业技术副教授
- Amy Boyle,宿舍生活办公室(学生事务代表)[仅限春季]
- 爱丽丝·克拉克,音乐与媒体学院音乐史教授
- 司库(财务及行政代表)
- Angelique Dyer, 数码市场经理(市场推广及传讯/参院职员代表)
- Robert S. Gerlich, S.J.文理学院历史系副教授
- Lesli D. Harris, Chief of Staff (Office of the President)
- Johanna Kalb, Associate Dean & Professor of Law, College of Law
- Laurie Eichelberger Leiva, 校友事务助理副总裁(院校发展代表)
- John Levendis, Interim Dean; Professor of Economics, College of Business
- Hector Linares, Coordinator & Associate Clinical Professor, College of Law
- Mary M. 学生财务服务副主任(注册管理代表)
- Dale O'Neill, 学生生活部主任(学生事务代表)[2019年夏季开始]
- Deborah Poole,Dean of Libraries
- Dina Roudeze,学生成功中心招聘和雇主活动经理
- Carol Ann MacGregor, 机构研究与有效性和教师发展副教授/高级主任
- Angel Adams Parham,文理学院社会学系副教授
- Jessamyn Reichmann Young,学生会主席(SGA)
- Gregory Waldrop, SJ, Assistant Professor of Art History & Rector of Jesuit Community
Peer Site Visit
The peer site visit will take place March 1 - 3, 2020.
Peer Visitors
Nicki Gonzales
Chief Diversity Officer, Regis University
Steven Hebert
Provost, John Carroll University
Cindy Schmersal
Vice President Mission and Ministry, Rockhurst University
Paul Vu, SJ
Assistant Dean of Students, Loyola Marymount University